Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Some new photograhs...

A big thanks to local photographer Katia Borghi who has taken some terrific new photos of the Castle and grounds. Here are a couple of examples - see more of Katia's terrific work here http://www.katiaborghiphoto.com/ .

Monday, 29 November 2010

A sprinking of white snow.

St Ives woke up this morning to a lovely sprinking of fresh crisp white snow. Don't worry though the gritter has been and done it's job on the A30 and the roads are all clear and lovely. Why not come and see the snow for yourself and take advantage of some great winter warmer offers http://www.tregenna-castle.co.uk/specialoffers .

Friday, 12 November 2010

It's Christmas...


Christmas is just around the corner and as usual tickets for Tregenna's terrific party nights are selling out fast. Have alook at the party night details and other great seasonal offers here: http://www.tregenna-castle.co.uk/specialoffers

Monday, 8 November 2010

Web update and Golf at Tregenna

Anybody who hasn't had a look at the newly revamped main website should go see, I really like the new look. To go with the webby relaunch Tregenna have some great new offers particularly for golfers. Check them out now: http://www.tregenna-castle.co.uk/golf.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Special special offers...

Tregenna had a great Easter and I'm happy to report that the sun obviously enjoyed its stay in Cornwall so much it's hanging around a bit. Why not take advantage of some of the great offers - http://www.tregenna-castle.co.uk/specialoffers

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Welcome back.

Welcome back Alex. Alex has been on maternity leave with baby Zack and started back today in her role as conference and banqueting manager. We are all very pleased to have her back.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Fisherman's Friends

Well done to the Fishermans friends in securing a record deal with Universal! Great story here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2010/mar/18/cornish-fishermans-friends-1m-deal

Monday, 15 March 2010

Very nice day.

In line with some of the recent decent weather we have been enjoying in St Ives it was another very nice clear day. Here is a picture of Godreavy lighthouse taken from the front lawn of the Castle.